"This particular Memorymoog is a bit of a mongrel.
It has a low serial number and the label just above the keyboard
indicates that it is an original Memorymoog. The front panel
labelling and the back panel, however, are of the kind used
on the later Memorymoog Plus model. Furthermore, the MIDI implementation
has been updated beyond MM+ with the dBM MIDI update. http://www.interlogic.jpn.org/memorymoog/mod.html
Memorymoog thus responds not only to MIDI note data, but also
certain Continuous Controllers. Velocity sensitivity is not
implemented. Since the velocity values in the MIDI sequence
couldn't be rendered directly by the Memorymoog, the equivalent
modulation was played in real time using a foot pedal sending
CC#4 (Foot Controller) data that modulated VCF Cutoff. Otherwise
the patch was rather ordinary. Polyphonic mode with cyclic (=rotating)
voice assignment. Three VCO:s (8' + 16' + 16') with squarewave.
LFO PWM 0,5 Hz on VCO1. A bit of filter envelope PWM on VCO2.
Unequal VCO levels into a slightly overdriven mixer. Equal settings
on VCF and VCA ADSRs: minimum attack and sustain, medium short
decay and release.." - Peer.